Thursday, May 7, 2009

Star Trek

That's right! We're going to give this thing another go! So show us your Star Trek inspired art work, whether it's a caricature or a space scene or whatever. The word is given. Warp Drive. Make it so. Oh and if you think of any other ideas you would like to do in the future leave it in the comments!


Abz said...

lol you guys are nerds!!! gotta love ya

ExtraCrispy said...

This is a quote from my cousin in Bakersfield. I think it applies to this situation pretty well, "STAR TREK IS LIKE ALCOHOL. THE MORE PEOPLE THAT ARE THERE TO ENJOY IT WITH YOU THE BETTER. BUT SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME WITH IT ALONE IS EVIDENCE OF A PROBLEM."

Miche said...

Well said Extra Crispy. So I am thinking that one of our next things should be "An Ode to Angel Shannon". What do you guys think?

ExtraCrispy said...

I don't really know Angel at all, so I'd be kind of limited on that one. I'd like the next one to be some kind of oddball combination of two things like, "Skeletor & Beets," or something.